July 30, 2010

Stop. See. Smell. Smile.

Walking the streets of a bustling city, there is always something that is bound to grab your attention, pulling you away momentarily from listening to your iPod or thinking about which great restaurant you want to try next. Maybe it's a small dog with big brown eyes gazing up at you outside a local grocery store or the clicks of bike shoes on the sidewalk worn by bikers strolling into a cafe to order a cold one after a long day's ride. Perhaps it's the screaming baby being pushed in an overpriced buggy by its' super athletic mother or the dancing hippies in the grass at mid-day. 

Whatever it may be, sometimes that momentary interruption is so captivating that you can't help but stare a little longer. Other times, and more often than not, we continue bustling, continue shuffling away quickly on to our next destination, our next task. But for those rare occasions, the enticing vision pulls you in and you pause, just a moment out of your busy day, to acknowledge that one thing that is so very important at that moment. 

And maybe you laugh or smile or think, 'dude, that is crazy!' and quickly pull out your iPhone to take a photo.

Well I had one of those moments the other day (not a dude that is crazy moment but the other kind). I set out for an afternoon walk in Golden Gate Park and the colors quickly caught my eye. Each one was so perfect and so uniquely different, I had to have a closer look. So I decided that at the end of my walk I would reward myself with a longer gaze and the next day I went back with a camera. 

There's something to be said about taking a moment to stop and smell the roses. Well, these are actually dahlias (not roses) and I didn't smell them (they were guarded by a steel fence) but anyway I enjoyed their beauty for a few minutes. 

Hope you enjoy as well :)

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