August 22, 2010

Where in the World You Ask?

Yes we know, it's been a while. And with all that promising to catch up and stay in touch often here we go and drop the ball.... 


Well I guess sometimes life just happens. And in San Francisco it's happening all over the place what with the sun actually coming out of its cloudy chalet after who-knows-where-its-been-for-how-long-I-mean-it's-summer-people! 

Sun = good.

For the last couple of weeks I've been what I like to think of as 'guest starring' in a temporary casting role at my old organization, Room to Read. I'm technically just contracting there for a short time but it feels like I'm a guest star in a sitcom I used to adore and watch all the time. Superfun!

It's been great and while I chip away at numbers and all things spectacular in the world of accounting the hubster is GMAT-ing it up at home. The final countdown has begun and we are now within a week of the BIG EXAM (ok, deep breath....). So I'm being the most supportive wifey I can be by baking him scrumptious cookies and hearty meals to fuel the engine that is his brain via his stomach..... That's how it works right!?

So far so good..... 

Once the EXAM has been taken and I've tucked away my calculator and set of multi-colored pens we are off to the land of whales and glaciers exploring a far away non-contiguous state known as Alaska. We're looking forward to the adventure that awaits and I'm secretly hoping I won't get attacked by bears, keel over from sea-sickness or lose a toe to frostbite. 

It should be glorious! 

Until the next update - - - over and out from SF - - - 
Photo courtesy of Brian Feth - yeah it's a good one isn't it!?

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