We are officially less than a week away from the Maui Oceanfront Marathon in which the one and only, Brian Feth, will be honoring with his presence.
The Chuck Norris look-alike has been training hard these last several months. And that's only because he wants to - not because he needs to. Whether it's a quick 10 miler here or a 20 miler there this bearded beast of a runner is ready for the challenge.
As his coach (wife) it is imperative that I be there for the big race day. As a result, I will be accompanying him to the island of Maui solely for emotional and mental support. If, in order for me to calm my nerves thus calming Brian's nerves, need to ingest a couple of mini umbrella garnished cocktails, then so be it. We must do what we have to do to win....
The course will skirt along the coast where gracious humpback whales will jump in the distance and soothing ocean waves will beg at the shores. These are clearly staged distractions in order to force runners to lose their focus. But there is no worry here, because Brian doesn't just closely resemble Chuck Norris he thinks like him too and no amazing ocean sunrise Has. A. Chance.
This will be no day at the beach people.
(Ok, well perhaps before and after it will but let's stay focused!)
On a more serious note...............this is a super exciting feat for Brian; his 1st marathon and in such a beautiful setting. The efforts Brian has put forth thus far have been incredible! He's been amazingly dedicated and has challenged himself to achieve something both personally and socially gratifying. He has raised over $1500 for young women in Kenya so that they may improve their lives through the benefits of economic empowerment:
Best of luck to you Brian! I'll be right there waiting for you at the finish line!!!
Now, where did I put my sunscreen.....